Getting started with moderation

This guide will introduce you to the Twitch chat moderation world including Nightbot in simple steps and basic commands you will need along the way on becoming the ultimate mod.

First off, be aware that Twitch and Nightbot commands have different beginnings:
  • / - Twitch.
  • ! - Nightbot.

Next, make sure you know the basic original Twitch commands that will allow you to successfully keep order on the channel:
  • /ban username - Bans a user from the channel chat.(Note that this is permanent and will not be lifted until you use the command below /unban)
  • /unban username - If you make a mistake or the user is willing to cooperate, you can simply unban the user with this command.
  • /timeout username - Temporary timeout from chat. Can be also lifted with the /unban command.
  • /clear - Cleans the chat window.

After that, you can start getting to know Nightbot and it's commands that are located on this website:

But to get you started, here are the main commands you will use the most while moderating:

Music commands:
  • !songs - Explains how to request songs to the users.
  • !songrequest link - Adds the song of your choice to the playlist.
  • !songlist - Shows users the link to the current music playlist.
  • !skipsong - Skips current song.
  • !delsong number - Deletes a song from the playlist. (number can be obtained from the playlist using !songlist command)
  • !volume number (1 - 100) - Changes the volume of the music playing.

Regular viewers: (List of people who watch the channel regularly and are immune to nightbot timeouts and restrictions, often managed by the lead editor mod)
  • !reg add username - Adds a user to the list.
  • !reg del username - Removes a user from the list.
  • !reg list - Shows you the list of current channel regulars.

Nightbot spam filter, don't play with options as it's managed by the broadcaster or the lead editor mod.
  • !allow username - If nightbot link spam filter is enabled, you can allow a user to post a link once. (regular users are immune to this filter)

This is all you need to begin, therefore there is one vital thing you need to do before moderating.
Read carefully the rules stated on the channel and ask the broadcaster how strict you have to be.

Hope this guide helped and have fun moderating!

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